N0t So MucH 0n Moi~~

this page belongs to a not so simple-minded girl @ soon-to-be woman. It seems that she prefers to be a little girl because she realize that being a grown up all the time indicates that she is turning into one of ‘those people‘ that she had long loath ever since she turned 5. Heck, being a kid is way better because kids couldn’t think of any troubles other than nightmares, bogeyman under their beds and not getting cookies for supper!

Getting on to it, this once ‘reserved and not so bubly’ lass is turning into one rebellious lil’ prankster and seeks out for revenge to enjoy her life to the fullest. Enjoys hard rocking music ( but i am a universal listener ) and will ’emo’ herself with her music when she is under stress or tries to stop herself from going on a rampage.  She will soon have her own cake cafe’ with the rest of her buddies and will start right away after getting her diploma. =3

One Response to “N0t So MucH 0n Moi~~”

  1. skrg study aper n katner?

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